SAP Intelligent Clinical Supply Management
SAP Intelligent Clinical Supply Management SAP Intelligent Clinical Supply Management (ICSM)* is a solution that leverages the power of SAP S/4HANA software together with the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) to automate and improve the clinical supplies process and gain better visibility into the status of clinical supplies worldwide.
*SAP ICSM will be Generally Available (GA) effective April 1, 2022.
This advanced solution addresses the protocol setup, study planning taking into consideration blinding and randomization needs of clinical trials, and facilitates demand forecasting, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, and shipments of clinical finished products. Business Benefits of ICSM include:
Fast cycle times: reduce clinical trial supply chain cycle times and adapt quickly to change
Improved accuracy: integrated processes reduce errors and delays while accurate planning reduces inventory excesses
Greater flexibility: quick and flexible responses to future trends and new types of clinical trials with more complex trial design, while scalable architecture accommodates multiple clinical supply models in one system
Increased collaboration: between all stakeholders, from suppliers to life science companies, to logistics providers, to clinical sites
Improved efficiency: through process simplification and automation, eliminating manual processes, reducing complexity, and providing system guidance
Lower costs: lower TCO by leveraging customers’ existing SAP S/4HANA systems and faster implementation of new solution aspects